Just look at the number of online advertising, classified advertising, and so on sites acquired by eBay. They call these online marketplaces but they are better described as shops with their own peculiar interior decor styles whether it is eBay, Amazon, Etsy or Craigs List. eBay confidently spends hundreds of millions and billions of dollars aquiring sites they see as usefull adjuncts to their portfolio. Then, the whole thing changes, and it's not down to keyword (that is sound, keyword, audio, ears) search anymore its down to contextual (that is visual, position, location, eyes, where it is ) search. The whole scenario changes; what they were so happy to exult in the online marketplace as opposed to the main street shopping marketplace, is suddenly disrupted, "you call my name" Mama can you get me my "pyjamas" , the whole thing based on words, reverts slightly back to how it was, "Well bloody well find it yourself. Look for it!" And so it is with contextual search, I am always forgetting their name, but I can remember their face or where they live. O you big Amazons etc. and all your shareholders. Did you really think that so suddenly you could make so much money and seemingly be is such a strong market position? No. This is real life and we all know that easy come = easy go. Something has come up , just like you did, and the shares in your company are going down. Don't resist it, like the coalminers and steelworkers who tried to and were told "You are Dinosaurs", now you are the Dinosaurs.

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